無糖康普茶? | Sugar free Kombucha?

無糖康普茶? | Sugar free Kombucha?

無糖康普茶? | Sugar free Kombucha?


When it comes to Kombucha, many people wonder if it contains sugar or if there's an option for sugar-free. Today, I'd like to share the relationship between sugar and Kombucha.


The concept of sugar is broad


The concept of sugar is broad, including polysaccharides found in vegetables and sugars present in carbohydrates. Whole grains and vegetables help balance blood sugar levels, while refined carbohydrates like white rice, white bread, and pasta cause a rapid spike in blood sugar. Sugar plays a vital role in our bodies, as it can be digested and broken down into glucose, providing energy and fueling our brains.


Sweetness naturally became a favored taste


Approximately 80,000 years ago, humans rarely had the chance to taste the sweetness of fruits, as most of them were devoured by animals when ripe. So, when humans first experienced the sweetness of ripe fruits and felt the surge of energy, a strong connection between sweetness and vitality was established. As humans realized that sweetness equaled energy, becoming their driving force for survival, sweetness naturally became a favored taste.


Understanding the right way to consume sugar is more important than merely cutting it off


The rise of the industrial age made sugar easily accessible, with a single can of soda or a pack of cookies providing instant sweetness. However, we are well aware that excessive sugar intake poses health risks, making sugar the "public enemy number one." Governments imposed sugar taxes, schools and hospitals stopped vending sugary drinks, and experts advised cutting sugar from our diets. However, eliminating sugar completely from our diet may not always be the best approach. It might lead to substituting sugar with higher-calorie options, like using fats instead. This confusion might lead people to reject healthy foods rich in good sugars, such as fruits, while consuming unhealthy foods and drinks loaded with added sugars, like soda.


Sugar and Kombucha are also closely related


Sugar and Kombucha are also closely related, as the culture of Kombucha needs sugar to grow. Zestea Kombucha uses organic raw cane sugar imported from Brazil, which is rich in minerals and vitamins. During the fermentation process, a considerable amount of organic raw cane sugar is added in the initial stages, and about 90% of the sugar is consumed by the culture. This is why drinking Kombucha doesn't leave you with an overwhelmingly sweet taste. After fermentation, approximately 4 grams of sugar remain in 100 milliliters of Zestea Original Kombucha. In comparison, the same amount of freshly squeezed orange juice contains about 8 grams of sugar, and carbonated sodas contain about 10.5 grams.


Kombucha becomes a healthier option as it offers unique flavors with a lower sugar intake. So, for those looking to reduce their sugar intake, Kombucha is an ideal choice. Remember, moderate consumption of sugar with Kombucha allows you to savor its delightful taste while maintaining your health.

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Zestea Kombucha exist to create real, organic, raw, and all-natural beverages that consumers can have a better choice when they are not drinking water. We carefully select local ingredients and crafted them in small batches, undergoing a 25-30 day fermentation process in Yilan. Every bottle of Zestea Kombucha is enriched with abundant B-vitamins, organic acids, and probiotics, and it offers a smooth, sweet and tangy taste with delicate bubbles.. Our mission is to revolutionize the modern perception of beverages and provide everyone with a trendy and delicious new choice for a healthy drink.
