康普茶(英文:Kombucha)的別名又稱「紅茶菌」、「胃寶」,是一種富含益生菌和健康酸的發酵茶,Zestea 康普茶僅使用 4 種單純原料精釀:宜蘭純淨過濾水、台灣在地永續種植茶葉、巴西永續種植蔗糖和SCOBY(醋酸菌和酵母菌的共生菌)。 Zestea其他風味康普茶:洛神花、生薑姜黃、檸檬草、檸檬薄荷、生茶啤酒花和生烏龍,皆添加100%在地的天然草本,增添風味。
Kombucha is a fermented beverage made with brewed tea, sugar and SCOBY (Symbiotic Colony of Bacteria and Yeast) packed with probiotics, vitamins, and enzymes. All of our kombucha is brewed using 4 simple ingredients; pure filtered water from Yilan, organic honey black tea from Nantou, organic cane sugar from Brazil, and a SCOBY (symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast). For our Hibiscus, Ginger&Turmeric, Lemongrass, Lemon&Mint and Sencha Hop, we simply add local sourced natural herbs.
康普茶的歷史|History of Kombucha
Kombucha的起源可以追溯到上千年前,早在西元前221年的秦朝就有關於它的記載。根據史書記載,秦人相信這種飲品可以平衡內臟功能和促進復原能力,益身健體,故稱它為「不朽茶」, 秦朝人稱它為「不朽茶」,後來「不朽茶」經俄國人帶至東歐,在世界各地有越來越多的人開始飲用它。
According to legend, kombucha was first brewed around 220 BC in China during the Qin Dynasty as a ‘longevity elixir.’ It then worked its way across Asia to parts of Russia and Eastern Europe where it was common as a home brewed soft drink and health tonic until the late 1980’s.
In recent years it’s become a staple beverage in the Western wellness world where it is now brewed as a complex soft drink / alcohol alternative, and also as an innovative cocktail mixer.
#1 康普茶發酵 — 從茶開始 Fermentation --- Start from Tea

Zestea 康普茶是一個用茶為基底做發酵的飲品。我們親自走訪各個產地,因為我們相信在亞洲這個世界茗茶的聚集地,一定可以找到脫穎而出的茶,帶出康普茶別出心裁的另一番風味。
Zestea Kombucha is a fermented drink made from tea. The Zestea team visited various tea farms because, we believe, in Asia, where tea has a long history, there is tea that stands out, bringing out the wonderful flavors of Kombucha.
Brewing --- Mixing tea and ingredients
To brew one perfect kombucha, you will need the following ingredients in addition to tea:
#2 巴西蔗糖 Brazil cane sugar
糖和康普茶也是密不可分,因為康普茶的菌種需要糖分才能成長。Zestea 康普茶使用的是從巴西進口的永續種植原蔗糖,富含豐富的礦物質與維生素,在發酵初期,我們會加入大量的原蔗糖,發酵中大約 90% 的糖份都會被菌種吃掉,所以你在喝康普茶的時候,不會感受到非常甜膩的感覺。發酵完成後,每 100 毫升的 Zestea 原味康普茶大約會有 4克的糖。
Sugar and Kombucha are inseparable because the Kombucha SCOBY needs sugar to grow. Zestea Kombucha uses raw cane sugar imported from Brazil, which is rich in minerals and vitamins. At the beginning of fermentation, we will add a large quantity of organic raw cane sugar. About 90% of the sugar in the fermentation will be eaten by the bacteria, so when you are drinking Kombucha, it will not feel very sweet. After fermentation, there will be about 6 grams of sugar per 100 ml of Zestea Original Kombucha.
不光是注重有機原料,我們也會傾向於跟對環境有貢獻廠商合作。我們原蔗糖供應商從1980年開始就開始永續發展,在保護生態系統的環境下種植甘蔗,不使用農藥,導入高科技方法防止病蟲害,維持土壤的生態系統並使用有機肥料,保留了農場中高度的生物多樣性,是傳統甘蔗田的23 倍之多。
Not only focus on raw materials, we also tend to cooperate with partners that carry a sense of sustainability to the environment. Our organic cane sugar supplier has been developing a sustainable system of sugarcane production since 1980. It has grown sugarcane in an environment that protects the ecosystem, does not use pesticides, introduces high-tech methods to prevent pests and diseases, maintains the soil ecosystem, and uses organic fertilizers to preserve the farm. The level of biodiversity is 23 times greater than traditional sugarcane fields.
#3 共生菌 SCOBY
SCOBY 全名為 Symbiotic Colony of Bacteria and Yeast ,中文稱「紅茶菌」或「共生菌」,是一種復合菌,看起來有點像海蜇皮。康普茶是將 SCOBY 與甜茶混合作用,使發酵後的茶帶有酸味與微氣泡感。在發酵的時候,它會幫我們把糖還有咖啡因吃掉,生成對人體有益的飲品。
SCOBY, Symbiotic Colony of Bacteria and Yeast, is a compound bacteria that looks like jellyfish skin. Kombucha is a mixture of SCOBY and sweet tea, so it has a sour taste and bubbles. During fermentation, SCOBY consumes sugar and caffeine, giving us healthy beverages.
#4 水 WATER
The quality of water is crucial for the taste of Kombucha, and Zestea uses water from Yilan, aka "Land of Water," to brew tea. Yilan is a region with abundant underground water resources, which contain appropriate levels of minerals such as calcium, magnesium ions, and sulfate ions, resulting in a natural sweet taste. Additionally, Zestea filters the water through three layers of activated carbon to preserve the minerals best suited for fermentation, making the water even better and more suitable for Zestea Kombucha.